Fact: Animal meat is a source of complete protein.
Fact: Soybeans and soy are also a complete source of protein.
What are complete proteins? Wikipedia defines complete or whole proteins as “a source of protein that contains an adequate proportion of all of the essential amino acids for the dietary needs of humans.” Soy’s complete proteins are similar in composition to egg whites and milk protein and are also easy to digest.
Soy is also low in saturated fat and contains zero cholesterol. It’s important to keep your cholesterol count low as it can clog your arteries and put you at risk for heart disease, a major killer. Soy is also a great source of fiber, which is key for a healthy digestive system and can actually help lower cholesterol.
There is one caveat with soy for certain women. Soy can act like a pseudo-estrogen. If you are a breast cancer survivor or have a history of breast cancer in your family, you have probably already been advised to stay away from any medications containing estrogen or estrogen-like hormones, such as birth control pills, because they can increase the risk for breast cancer in people who are already prone to the disease. Because soy can act like a pseudo estrogen, breast cancer survivors and those with a genetic disposition for breast cancer should avoid eating large amounts of soy for the same reasons they should stay away from hormone pills. That being said, aside from this caveat, soy is a very healthy super food.