An Internet search for acai berries is like browsing a list of spam emails. A majority of these so-called 'balanced reviews' that weigh the 'pros and cons' of acai berries are thinly veiled marketing ploys that involve getting you to give up your credit card details for a free trial of acai berry supplements which you'll find extremely hard to cancel later. Against all of these expert opinions, you may think, what makes my diatribe any different? Well, I work as a nutrition counselor, advising people on wholesome food and fitness. That's my 9 to 5. I'm also a loving mother of two kids, whom I try to teach to think logically about nutrition, and I've never advocated a single fad diet. I am also not trying to sell you anything, and this blog post will not lead to some place where you can purchase some dubious supplements like acai berry or any other product.
does acai berry really work
By Lisa Shanken
July 12, 2010
An Internet search for acai berries is like browsing a list of spam emails. A majority of these so-called 'balanced reviews' that weigh the 'pros and cons' of acai berries are thinly veiled marketing ploys that involve getting you to give up your credit card details for a free trial...